The Lovely Followers

November 16, 2012

Girls? :)

Assalammualaikum wtb.. :3

Entry kli ni dapat inspirasi dari gambar di atas! :) Izzit? Every girl has 5 personalities? 
Hahahaha.. hm, let's cekidaut~

Well.. basically this is my blog.. soooo, i'm gonna write about me la kan.. hehehe.. susah la pla mau cari contoh or model lain mau tulis..Bhaa.. i guess this entry will reveal to you something about me and you can get to know me bett-er! Hahahahaa.. Wellllllll~ mari kita mula kan journey bacaan kali ini.. enjoy! ;3

1. How I act at school? 
OK, for someone yg x kenal, xpnah bertegur or xtahu apa apa pasal sy would think that i am a very serious and a garang person! and a quite one.. Hahahaa.. i get this comment a lot, like seriously A LOT! Never judge a book by its cover, people.. :D

2. How I act around my friends?
Hahahaha..well, it depends actually....... when i'm with my Besties, i get to do crazy things, scream and shout like the world is ours, have fun like there's NO tommorow.. Hahaha, tp berpadah-padah jg la bhaa.. nda la smpai bt kes polis.. hehehe.. maybe just some extra-ordinary stuff which I rarely do. :P Usually, this is the time where I'll be home around 10++ o'clock.. Hahaha! Mum usually paling nda suka la sda tu ar klu me and my twins kluar ngn Bestie.. sbb knfom balik lewat.. anyway, sorry mum.. :) one of the best part is..ALL of us is a driver! Pendek kata semua pndai drive laa...hahaha! klu kluar ramai ramai, suka ni ganti ganti drive.. hehehehehe..
Then, when I'm with friend 'Gink karas', i do ordinary thingy.. suka jd driver~ p/s: sbb ble drive laju2.. HAHAHAH.. watch movies together, eat, karoks and taking picture! YAH! One of my obsession with them IS taking picture. :) sbb byk model2 berbakat among them. Just, they're shy to shine! Teeehee.. Jangan malu malu bhaa.. ;) Oh, and i tend to be talkative, loud and become crazy when i talk with them. :) sama fakta terakhir, sy sangat comot makan ngn kawan kawan.. and orang yg paling pantas menghabiskan makanan! HAHAHAHA.. 

3. How I act around family?
I'm much comfortable with family and i can become myself. Well, most of my siblings can communicate in Chinese and we are VERY loud ketika chit-chatting.. enddduuukk! I noticed that kalau 1family pg makan di restoran ja.. org org sblh menyeblah mesti pandang meja kami.. coz, paling bising n berckap pun dlm bhasa asing.. :P and byk gadis2 comel loteh.. HAHAHA..sbb we have 7 girls sibling + 1 mum + 2 boys sibling + 1 dad + 1 sister in-law + 1 baby girl = 13 people!! Hehehe.. 

4. How I act when I'm with Him?
Who's him? Hahahaaha.. I assume it's stand for a boyfie laa kan? :P well.. nothing much to say.. I can be myself as well.. like how i act around my family and friends... but with him i tend to be manja! *ciss.. loyar buruk lagi..* weellll.. i am!, memang abie manjakan pun.. he wont let me drive car klu berdating, x kisah la penat mana pun dia.. he'll fetch me from home and hantar balik rumah.. makan pun abie yg slalu order.. he gives advice and opinion on anything that i wanted to buy.. basically everything! How i miss him being there for me all the time for the past 5 years we've known each other. Ok~ sda sda la berjiwangsss snaa.. Hahaha.. move on please!

5. How I act when I'm alone?
Hmmmm.. i gess the answer would be same as the 1st personalities... which how i act in school.. sebab.. kan pg sekolah sendiri jg.. hahaha.. tedteda bhaaa.. salah sda! Alone means when you're alone laaa.. mcm time teda org gitu.. mcm di blik ka.. di kamar mandi kaa..hadoooii, di sekolah tu teda org pula? ko pnya sekolah pla tu? Bingung! *mara diri sendiri ne* :P Sori la bhaa... yaaalaa.. mau cerita la ni.. when i'm alone? mcm manusia la bha i act.. nda kan mcm binatang pla kan? HAHHAHAHAH.. jwpan paling bkin panas! :P bhaa..time bersendirian sy suka buat movie dalam kepala hotak sy ni.. like, when i think back what would happen if i choose another U to study, will i ever meet the people i met today? some some like that laa.. Hehehe.. Enuff! Panjang sda tu karangan.................

I do hope you enjoy reading this. Laugh a little, take some time to appreciate life. Remember, we only live once. Take your chances! Adiossss~

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